
Vital Statistics

Name: Densuke
Age: 11
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
First Appearance (Anime): None as of yet in the USA
First Appearance (Manga): Vol. 33 (Japanese)
Love Interest: Onna-Ranma
Loved by: None
Rivals/Opponents: None

Profile: Densuke was a sick boy in a hospital whose life was in jeapordy because he refused to take his medicine, because it tasted horrible. the only way he would take his medicine, he said, was if a pretty girl dressed in a nurse's outfit gave it to him.

Onna-Ranma, who happened to be outside of the hospital (and observed by Densuke), was the one elected to give the medicine to Densuke, and agrees to help when the family asks her to. However, Onna-Ranma ends up having a difficult time giving the medicine to Densuke, as Densuke gets a crush on her and attempts to touch, undress, and gain Onna-Ranma's favor. Eventually, Onna-Ranma is able to trick Densuke to take his medicine, but almost ends up kissing the young boy.

Personality: Densuke seems like a quiet boy, but who really is sort of a pervert with some unsavory tendancies. His attitude seems to reflect that of a young boy, and though he does eventually take his medicine, he becomes very difficult to handle in order to do so, almost succeeding in kissing Onna-Ranma.

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⌐ 1998 by Frank Sanchez